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Creating Healthy, Green Places at Schools

IBI-designed Florida Ruffin Ridley School, formerly known as the Coolidge Corner School, in Brookline, MA.
As we emerge into a post-pandemic world, 人们继续寻求和重视绿色空间,以维持健康和福祉. 被广泛认为具有代际心理和生理上的益处, 学校的绿地对于维持儿童的身心健康非常重要.

By IBI Insights


October 18, 2021

Nature, green space, and child health

Studies reveal that children are healthier, happier, 当他们与自然环境有规律的联系时,他们可能更聪明,更有创造力, evidencing increased self-esteem, stronger imaginative play, and greater levels of physical and mental activity.

对于学校来说,自然的定义需要更广泛. We need to get away from the idea that nature is something ‘out there’; that it’s something you ‘visit’. By rethinking the role of nature in our schools, 我们可以确保它在整个上学日都是可访问和互动的.

Evidence-based design

景观设计专业人员在设计包容性环境方面发挥着关键作用, 基于证据的设计是我们做什么和为什么做的内在因素.

十多年前,英国新经济基金会(New Economics Foundation)的“Five Steps to Wellbeing确定了影响心理健康存在与否的关键因素 & wellbeing. These elements – social relationships (connect), physical activity (be active), awareness (take notice), 学习(持续学习)和给予——适用于所有建筑设计领域和规模.


为两所截然不同的学校设计的解决方案——一所位于绿树成荫的柴郡的新建学校和一所位于利物浦市中心的小学——旨在改善学生的身心健康. Some of IBI’s design solutions include:

  • Connecting school entrance points to public transport, 或者是周围的绿色空间,比如“公园和步幅”计划, 鼓励把车停在远离学校场地的地方,减少交通堵塞, improving air quality, and promoting exercise
  • 在“绿色走廊”种植本地物种,鼓励野生动物进入校园
  • 利用校园内贫瘠的土地种植野花
  • 将校园和庭院的内外景观最大化, and planting of green walls or roofs
  • 创建社区种植区域鼓励人们学习种植食物或花卉
  • Leveraging waste materials, such as worn tyres, plastic milk bottles, felled timber, house herbs, wildflowers, 或者虫子旅馆可以经济高效地建造室外教室和种植棚
  • Replacing hard barriers, 例如,种植植物的墙壁或围栏可以更好地看到运动场和绿地
  • 创建一条“健康一英里”路线,鼓励孩子们每天走、跑、跳、跳一英里. 这只需要在墙壁和表面上应用距离标记, yet such small-scale interventions have a big impact, as well as being affordable and achievable.

As a result of applying evidence-based approaches, 我们相信孩子们与绿色空间的联系会更好, learn experientially in the outdoors, 并回馈社区和当地的自然栖息地.


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